What is Borivali Baniya?
Borivali Baniya is an online grocery store which started with an objective of helping the customers to enjoy shopping at ease.
What locations do you operate in?
Borivali Baniya currently operates in Borivali & Nearby Areas
Do you deliver to my location?
We deliver in Borivali and Nearby areas. You can edit your location settings to check if we deliver in your desired area.
What is the minimum order value?
We don’t have any minimum order value. However, your order value has to qualify for the free delivery. In case you do not reach limit, delivery charges will be levied against that order.
Can I track the status of my order?
No, currently we do not have that facility. However, you can call us and check
How can I make payments?
We accept COD and UPI payments
What if I want to return something?
If you’re dissatisfied with the products delivered, please mail us on borivalibaniya@gmail.com. Our customer support team will get in touch with you to resolve this issue.